Thursday, July 21, 2011


Popularity is some of the peoples major dream. There are people who expect popularity in every thing what they do. I am not telling any bad to popularity or popular people or who seeks popularity. It is a wish of few. But just sharing some of my own thoughts. 

Personally i do not like popularity. There are people especially girls who are crazy about some celebrities and going after them. When ever i see such people i used to think why do they wanna go after them or so much crazy about them. There also just normal people due to some talent they are popular among the people. 

Not only celebrities. In our day today life we can meet so many people who are so keen to popularize in some matter. Then always needs others attraction. As i said before i am not telling any wrong in that. But i always have a question why we need to get popular? why people so much willing to get popular? 

There are people who wants to get popular and do so many things to achieve that. But with their personal life they might have lot of loopholes. If you cannot treat your family well, if you do not have time to spend with your own family.. loved once.. then whats the use in being popular? Popularization is not stable.It may diminish at any time. But among us there are so many people who sacrifice lot of relationships, lot of stable things on behalf of the popularization. 

If you get popular so many people will get to know about you. Many people will love you. But if you do not have time to spend with you long lasting relationships, if you cannot treat then well whats the use in life. Than all a person who can make their family happy, who can keep with a smile always will be the greatest person!!!


  1. I don't have any problem with popularity with myself. :D But I hate it when I see others going crazy over a celebrity (something like hanging their posters on walls of their rooms).
