When some one talking about the university education the first thing which every one asking before the studies "what about the ragging? ". That much the word ragging has been interacted with the university education. When a person enter to the university the first thing which he/she should undergo is ragging. I am not totally against for ragging. Just requesting to sing a song or telling some funny things are acceptable. I can remember still some of those things which i did as sweet memories. But physical ragging is not acceptable. This has taken out some human life's. The main reason which the rangers used to tell is " I have been ragged. So i want the same pain the others also to undergo". Whoever the person think about others will never tell that word. He/she will think what ever the pain/ troubles they went thorough should not be undergo by others & will try to protect & help others.
Moving towards the education side, my personal opinion is it should change completely. Here specifically i am mentioning about the commerce & management faculty which i studied. Because to comment about other faculty studies i do not have a clear picture about their syllabus or education system. Mostly for Art & commerce & management faculty this is same.
If we take commerce & management faculty the specialized degree program scheduled for 4 years. As per my knowledge if it is scheduled in a proper way & computerized 2 years more than enough. This 4 years include all the vacations, strikes, etc. When come to higher education i think vacation for nearly a month is not necessary as schools. Also the syllabus should focus more towards the current market & it should change accordingly.
The people who got the highest marks in their advanced level examination only entering to the university. But with the way some people behave tend to think do they really educated & how they studied. I do not know whether that kind of people always like that or that change after entering to the university. With some people cannot see the professionalism at all. They behave like thugs. But i have seen many people when entering they are good & they come from rural areas. After entering in few months times they completely change. They give the priority to the other junk activities such as politics, fights & not for the education. I used to think many times why this people cannot focused only on studies. Because we enter university to study. Not to do strikes or to fight.
Currently most of the people have a bad impression about the graduates. Cannot tell a wrong about the people who has such impression. Due to the behaviors of some students any one will tend to think so. After completion of degree even if they do not get a job they do picketing. Some companies do not like to hire graduates due to this unprofessional behaviors of some graduates. For this cannot blame the market sector. The Undergraduates/graduates who were part of such cheap behaviors should take the sole responsibility.
Basically overall the university education system should change. ( But not by introducing military training)